Thursday, 31 March 2011

Those who can, tweet

Like this article from TES Those who can, tweet.  It summarises a lot of what I've been reading lately, and how useful I'm finding Twitter as part of my own personal development and as an aide to my Masters in Education.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Essential Skills Wales

Teaching ESW today.  Several students ready for the assignment stage, which is quite daunting as it's such a new qualification.  Got the Internal Moderator visiting next week though, so that should be a great help, and a heads up on our progress so far.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Moodle outcomes

Just added all my L2 Web Design outcomes to my course on Moodle, so now I can attach them to all uploaded assignments.  I think it'll help me keep track of what the students have completed, and what is still missing.  Good stuff.

Thursday, 17 March 2011


Well, I've just created a LinkedIn profile :/


Submitted my evidence for the Coleg Gwent Moodle Up & Away certification, and feedback was that the site was "outstanding".  Big cheesy grins all round :D

Saturday, 5 March 2011

LAN School

Had training this week on LAN School.  Seems like a useful tool - I've already used it just to check on student progress in class (without the student's knowledge).  This may seem a bit sneaky, but actually it enabled me to observe where the individual students were struggling, and then offer directed help without them actually having to ask - I suppose it's a way of giving support without the student having to alert the rest of the class to the fact they are struggling.

I'm not sure how useful it will be in a mixed workshop setting - interrupting adults when the are all working on different things may be more detrimental than beneficial.

I did use it a little in my web design class though, and can see that if students produce a good example it will be great to show to the rest of the class, or to get students to demonstrate a skill to the others.

Another thing that I found particularly interesting was the tutor himself who delivered the LAN session.  He is so clearly in tune with Estyn requirements, that he managed to weave Welsh / ESDGC / H&S etc etc into the session with apparent ease, and he directed us to where we might also be able to do this.