Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Mixed emotions

So a pretty mixed few days.  Firstly I was complimented on my Moodle site at work, from the Moodle trainer himself.  Apparently the Moodle site I have developed to accompany my Web Design course is one of the best in the college.  That was great to hear.

Then a blow.  My low grade in my teaching obs was surpassed by a lower paid individual, making my position feel altogether awkward.  Great for my colleague, difficult for me.

Then another plus.  An A in my masters assignment.

So am I good or not?  Hard to say, and one minute I feel like a great teacher, and the next not.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Moodle & Interactive White Board

I had training today on Moodle.  I already have a Moodle site for my Web Design L1 course, and was told that I had one of the best Moodle sites in the college at the moment which was great to hear.

Still room for improvement though - so planning to set up an initial topic with graphics that lead into each session to make it more aesthetically pleasing.  I'll enjoy doing that!

As far as the IWB goes, I was shown the spotlight - which I'm sure will be really helpful in Web Des, and the recorder - again something I'm sure I can use.  Think the hide & slide will be less useful - but perhaps just need to think more imaginatively and now I know it's there, I may come up with a use for it.

Talked about LAN (?) being able to link all users to the IWB so that I can demo good work, and again this will be great to include.  Feel very motivated to get going now :)