Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Another new year - here's to evaluation

It's the start of a new academic year.  I've been allocated several courses that I haven't run for a year or more - Web Design Level 3, and Photoshop Level 2.  I've also got a new Photoshop Level 3 course starting, along with all my foundation degree stuff as usual.

I've dug out my old files for the first two courses.  Firstly, I'm pleased that the folders are pretty much in order - Scheme of Work and student record at the front, and a poly pocket for each lesson, complete with lesson plan, handouts and if it's something a bit tricky, my own tutor notes to refer to.  This means all I've got to do is skim over the lesson plan, check I still feel comfortable with delivering what's on it, and perhaps spend 20 minutes or so refreshing my memory on the tools and tips I want to include.

What's really been useful though is the evaluation I added at the end of some of these lesson plans.  For example, in Web Design Level 3 I've got a partner activity for the first lesson, where the learners will pair up, find out some information about each other, and then create a simple website on that person as a refresher in Dreamweaver.  As part of the process, the learners must show each other something from their mobile phone - a ring tone, photo, or text for example, that tells their partner something about themselves.  I read through  the activity sheet and thought 'hmmm, I wonder if that will work...'.  Then I noticed that on my evaluation for that session I put 'Worked really well in one centre - mobile phone task was great fun; was concerned about using it in the other centre but actually very successful'.

It reminds me how useful evaluation can be - it's not just a tick box exercise for the inspectors - it really does help us as tutors when we come to delivering the session again.  I must now make an effort to continue recording this information for my future classes.

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